Feel better faster.
Because you want relief—in hours instead of weeks.
Intensives give you the biggest return on your investment in therapy by allowing us to spend much more time in the deepest, most effective part of our work together than in 45 or 60-minute weekly sessions. With the intensive format, clients report experiencing, in one or two days, shifts that would have taken weeks or months of regular therapy. Take charge of your healing and give yourself the gift of deep transformation.
What is Intensive IFS Therapy?
Intensive IFS Therapy allows you to access the powerful healing of IFS without the long-term commitment of weekly appointments. Instead of scheduling weekly sessions, you set aside 3 hours a day, for one, two three days, to allow yourself to dive deep into our work. In weekly sessions we usually take 5-15 minutes to get into the deep part of our work, and another 5-15 to come back out, leaving only 15-30 minutes of deep work. With a 3-hour intensive, we can spend about 2 hours and 20 minutes in deep work, giving you as much return on your investment as two months of therapy.
How does it work?
After you reach out, we’ll schedule a free 15-minute consultation to make sure the intensive format suits your current needs and confirm which format best fits your schedule and intentions. Before the big intensive day, we’ll have two 45-minute Intake Sessions (or one 90-minute session) to help fine-tune our focus, get comfortable working together, and tune into what will help you have the most comfortable and effective experience possible so you come into the intensive set up for success. I’ll ask you questions about your history and and current stressors and coping strategies, answer any questions about what to expect, and then we’ll finalize our game plan for the big day. You will receive a personalized treatment workbook that is yours to keep and use throughout the process. On the day of the intensive you’ll arrive with everything you need to feel as comfortable as possible (cozy blanket, mug of tea, picture of someone you love, fidget toy), and we’ll dive in. Our last step will be to meet for an Integration Session that will allow you to take stock of what you learned, celebrate your wins, and identify how to carry what you’ve experienced here into your daily life moving forward.
Why do an IFS intensive?
You’re committed to your own healing and you’re ready to do deep work.
You’re new to therapy and you like the idea of getting where you want to go faster.
You’re in therapy already but feel like you can’t quite get to the heart of the matter, or it’s taking too long.
You’ve got a short window of time available to work on healing, and you want to make the most of it.
You’d like support preparing for a big event such as a wedding, birth, or big move.
You want to process the aftermath of a big event such as those above, or the death of a loved one, divorce, breakup, or empty nest.
What will my investment be?
A one-day intensive includes 6 hours of face-to-face time, including a 90-minute intake and planning session, a 3-hour intensive, and a 90-minute integration and follow-up session. Your package includes 2 hours of time for me to customize your treatment plan, assessments, and workbook resources just for you. The investment in yourself is $2,400.
A two-day intensive includes 9 face-to-face hours as well as 2 hours of time to customize your treatment plan, assessments, and workbook resources just for you. The investment in yourself is $3,300.
A three-day intensive includes 12 hours of face-to-face time as well as 2 hours of time to customize your treatment plan, assessments, and workbook resources just for you. The investment in yourself is $4,200.
Custom intensive packages are available by request.
You’re worth it.
Heal faster so you can enjoy the freedom, ease, and creativity that transformative work can unlock. Reach out to schedule your free 15-minute discovery call.